Saturday, 26 July 2008

Being Resourceful

Last time we looked at the definition and personal perception of success. This time I’m going to talk about resources and how important it is to our journey.

The successful creative person is reliant on a pool of resources. These will be wide and varied, including inner resources of talent, determination and discipline, and external resources of tutors, family and internet. Wherever you are in your life, you will always have resources to draw upon. Sometimes these will be obvious and sometimes they’ll be ones you hadn’t considered before. In order to get in touch with all of the resources available, try out this exercise to bring them together. This will be eye-opening and also useful for future reference.

Using a spider diagram, or in a list, write down the resources available in your life. Consider the following life areas where those resources might be:

  • Health & Fitness
  • Home & Family
  • Career / Work / Business
  • Wealth
  • Relationships / Romance
  • Friends
  • Leisure
  • Spiritual

Once you have completed this exercise, which may incidentally take one or more sittings, go through your groups of resources to highlight the most important. There will be one or two major resources that are critical to your success and enjoyment of your creative pursuit. To give these major ones priority, write them out on a card and pin them to your dreamboard, or notice board. They will help you continue your journey with peace of mind, and will be there when you’re faced with a challenge and need to know where to go for advice. A visual reminder of your resources will always help you feel supported and connected. Perhaps you could extend this to adding photographs – people, places, books, computer etc etc. Be as creative as you want!

All the best with getting creatively resourceful. :)

Above painting: Permanent Bright Connections © 2008 Deborah Eileen Burrow

Next time I'll be looking at practical issues of earning cash while working on your bigger projects...


Linda A Ronzoni said...

wow!~ you're blog is great!! I can not believe it! Love this excercise and I have time today to do it!!I absolutely agree with you in this blog posted!! I will return to read more...What a wonderful resource you are!! :) xx thanks for taking time out to stop by my blog and to comment!! Very up lifting for me

Debs Burrow said...

Thank you Linda. :)

tangled sky studio said...

the magnet idea is great...thanks for posting and for finding me. i really like the exercise you posted today and think it serves as a reminder about the support system we all have but sometimes overlook.

Debs Burrow said...

Great to meet you Tangled Sky Studio and Linda Ronzoni - its nice to make new contacts. :)